Takes into account all procedures, cost, and time required for a business to obtain a permanent
electricity connection and supply for a standardized warehouse.
Reduced steps and days from 4 and 42 to 3 and 36, as well as reduction of cost, through the:
Old Procedures (4 Steps, 42 Days)
New Procedures (3 Steps, 38 Days)
Agencies Flowchart

Development of an electronic transmittal of Certificate of Electrical Inspection by the Local Government of Quezon City and the Manila Electric Company (Meralco), which is part of the step on requesting and receiving Certificate of Electrical Inspection (Step 3) to MERALCO franchise. It no longer requires customers to go to Quezon City LGU to undergo the said procedure.
Issuance of the Distribution Services and Open Access Rules which contains the “Early Refund Policy” launched in 2012 allowing a customer who has paid his/her electric bills on or before due date (good payer) for 3 consecutive years, to receive full refund of the security deposit prior to the termination of his service. This has been fully implemented by MERALCO.
On the measures of quality of utility service, MERALCO uses System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI), Customer Average Duration Interruption Index (CAIDI), and System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI).
Reference Links:
Daily Transmittal
Received Electrical and Building Permit
Paid Electrical and Building Permits
Summary of Getting Electricity Procedures
Sample Letter
Quezon City Local Government Unit |
Meralco |