Rankings are based on the sum of scores on two indices. The Depth of Credit Information Index (0-6)
measures the coverage, scope and accessibility of credit information available through public credit
registries or private credit bureaus. Higher scores indicate the availability of more credit information
which will facilitate the decision-making of firms.
Second, through the use of case scenarios, the Strength of Legal Rights Index (0-10) measures the degree
to which collateral and bankruptcy laws protect the rights of borrows and lenders and facilitate lending.
Higher scores indicate that laws are better designed to expand access to credit.
There are updates on operations of the Credit Information Corporation including:
Depth of Credit Information Index 2015
Depth of Credit Information Index 2016
Issuance of CIC Circular No. 2015-01 enforcing the Credit Information Act Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9510 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.
Issuance of CIC Circular No. 2015-02 which sets deadline to credit card issuers; universal and commercial banks, including their trust departments; thrift banks, including their trust departments; rural banks and entities with quasi-banking license issued by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, including their subsidiaries and/or affiliates that are engaged in the business of providing credit; financing companies; government-owned and controlled corporations engaged in lending; large and medium cooperatives as defined by CDA; and insurance companies, mutual benefit associations and other similar entities supervised by the Insurance Commission; and non-stock-savings and loan associations to submit all credit data in their possessions for the last five years prior to the effectivity of the circular.
CIC has already loaded six (6) Financial Institutions to its database: MetroBank Card, HSBC, RCBC, EastWest Banking, UnionBank, and Taloy Norte Multi-Purpose Cooperative. As of January 25, 2016 the total subjects loaded is 2,718,317 while the total contracts loaded is 7,264,779. In the month of Feb 2016 we expect an additional 3 million records to be uploaded.
Last November 2015, CIC has completed the first round stage of accrediting Special Accessing Entities (SAEs) by officially accepting the applications of five (5) international and one (1) local credit bureaus who expressed their intent to become the accredited CIC Credit Bureaus.
Reference Links:
Memorandum CICCir No. 2015 01
Memorandum CICCir No. 2015 02
BAP Credit Bureau, Inc. |
Credit Information Corporation |
Land Registration Authority |
Department of Justice |
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas |